Club Rules

MARCH 2018


1.  TITLE   

The Club shall be called “The Connaught Club” and referred to hereinafter as “The Club” 


The Club colours shall be Green and Gold. 


3.1 The Senior Officers of The Club shall be the President, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer. 

3.2    The assets and effects of The Club shall ultimately be vested in the Senior Officers of The Club who hold these assets and effects for the benefit of the Members of The Club.  This excludes the Club’s Land and Buildings which are owned by Barn Hoppett Limited.  The Directors of Barn Hoppett Limited shall not be members of the Club’s Management Committee. 

3.3 The Senior Officers of the Club, in pursuance of a resolution passed at a meeting of the Management Committee at which not less than seven voting members of the Management Committee were present and voted, shall have the power to sell the assets and effects of the club and to make investments of the funds of The Club. 


The Club shall consist of Tennis, Bowls and Squash Sections and any of the following persons: 

(a)  Adult Members(b)  Life Members 

(c)  Non-Playing/Social Members (d)  Junior Members (e)  Honorary Members 

(f)  Temporary Members 


5.1  To provide facilities for tennis, squash/racketball and bowls and generally to promote, encourage and facilitate play within the community. 

5.2  To provide and maintain both The Club premises at Barn Hoppett, Rangers Road, Chingford E4 7QH, and also club-owned related sports equipment and playing surfaces, for the use of its members. 

5.3  To provide other ordinary benefits of a Community Amateur Sports Club in accordance with current legislation. 

5.4  To affiliate to the county associations for each relevant sport (and in doing so to each national association) and to comply with and uphold the rules and regulations of those associations. 

5.5  To make rules, regulations and bye-laws concerning the operation of The Club including disciplinary procedures that may be taken against the Members. 

5.6  To discipline the Members where permitted by the rules/regulations of the relevant national and county associations (as appropriate). 

5.7 To do all such other things as the Management Committee thinks fit to further the interests of The Club.  


6.1 Membership of The Club is open to all without discrimination.  

6.2 New Members 

Each new Member shall receive from the Secretary a copy of The Club Rules and relevant Section Rules and shall be required to pay the joining fee and subscription for the current season to the club office, the payment of which shall be considered as implying acquiescence in, and submission to, the Rules of The Club. 

6.3 Adult Members (18 years old and over) 

Adult Members are the playing Members of any Section and are entitled to the full privileges of the Club, including: 

(a) The use of the playing surfaces 

(b) Attending General Meetings  

(c) Full voting rights at General Meetings  

(d) Proposing and or seconding resolutions and or candidates for election as members of the Club        or Committees 

(e) Eligibility for election to any committee, subject to these rules.  

6.4 Life Members At the Annual General Meeting, the Management Committee may, at its discretion, propose any Members who have rendered special services to The Club for election as Life Members.Life Members shall be entitled, without subscription, to the full privileges of the Club as 6.3 

6.5 Non-Playing/Social MembersNon-Playing/Social Members have no right to use the playing surfaces of The Club except as Visitors, and then subject to the terms and conditions upon which Visitors may be introduced. Non-Playing/Social Members’ shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club excluding those covered by Rule 6.3 (c), (d) and (e). 

6.6 Junior Members (under 18 years old)Junior Members are the playing members of The Club who are under 18 years of age at the commencement of the relevant season. Junior Members shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club excluding those covered by Rule 6.3 (c), (d) and (e). 

6.7  Honorary Members The Management Committee may, if it thinks fit, and upon the recommendation of the Tennis, Bowls or Squash Committee, admit players as Honorary Members without subscription for such period as it may determine. Honorary Members’ shall be entitled to the privileges of The Club excluding those covered by Rule 6.3 (c), (d) and (e). 

6.8 Temporary Members 

The Tennis, Squash and Bowls Committees may elect Temporary Members for such a period, not exceeding one month, and upon such terms as it may think fit, subject to The Management Committees approval. Temporary Members’ shall be entitled to the privileges of The Club excluding those covered by Rule 6.3 (c), (d) and (e).  Temporary Members shall be subject to the Rules applicable to all Members. 

6.9 Employees, Professionals and Franchises 

Those working at The Club may become Members but shall not be entitled to vote at any General Meeting or serve on any Committee unless specifically authorised by the Management Committee who shall also decide upon the subscription payable. 

6.10 Limitation of Membership 

The Members of The Club shall be limited to such a number as the Management Committee may from time to time determine. 


7.1  Composition 

The Management and Control of the assets, effects, and affairs of The Club shall be vested in a Management Committee, consisting of a Chairman, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and nine other members; only these nine members shall have voting rights. The Chairman shall be elected annually by that Committee from its members and will not have a casting vote. The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of The Club. 

7.2  Representation – The nine voting members shall be elected as follows: -Three members from each of the Bowls, Squash and Tennis sections will be elected annually by their respective section committees to serve on the Management Committee.  If one of these nine members is elected as Chairman they shall be replaced by another member of their section. 

7.3  Deputies –If the Secretary is unable to attend a Management Committee meeting then the Assistant Secretary shall attend. Similarly, if the Treasurer is unable to attend, the Assistant Treasurer will attend.Each section is responsible for providing deputies to attend the Management Meeting if one or more of their 3 members are unable to attend. The President, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer may deputise as a section voting member provided the Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer are not deputising for the Secretary or Treasurer. 

7.4 Quorum – The quorum shall be as follows: – six for ordinary business and seven for authorising investments under Rule 3.2, for expulsion under rule 14 or for borrowing money under rule 8. At least two weeks’ notice should be given to all members of any meeting called. 

7.6 Sub-Committees 

The Management Committee may, from time to time, appoint from among their number such Sub-committees as it may deem necessary or expedient, and may depute or refer to them such of the powers and duties of the Management Committee as it may determine.Such Sub-committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Management Committee, and shall conduct their business in accordance with its directions. 

7.7 Co-Option 

The Management Committee shall have power to co-opt any member of The Club onto the Management Committee or any other Committee or Sub-committee for any particular purpose. 

7.8  Employing and Dismissing Staff 

The Management Committee shall be responsible for employing and dismissing all staff for the effective running and management of The Club. 

7.9 President, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer 

The President, Honorary Assistant Secretary and Honorary Assistant Treasurer shall be elected, annually at the Annual General Meeting of The Club. They shall be, together with the Chairman of the Management Committee, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer, ex officio Members of all Committees, and also entitled to attend at all Sectional General Meetings. 

7.10 Eligibility for Committee 

All members of the Management Committee, whether ex officio or otherwise, must have been Members of The Club for at least one year before appointment. 

7.11 Casual Vacancies 

In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the office(s) of The Club or in the Management or any other Committee at any time and where that casual vacancy has not been filled as prescribed by any other rules of The Club, the Management Committee shall have the power to fill such a vacancy. The proceedings of the Management or any other Committee shall not be invalidated in consequence of its members being less than the prescribed number by reason only of such casual vacancy. 

7.12 Nominations 

The Nomination Form for the offices of President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Assistant Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Secretary shall be displayed at the club from 31 November . All nominations shall bear the signatures of the proposer and seconder and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee, and the notice shall be clearly displayed at The Club. 


8.1.  The Management Committee shall regulate their mode of procedure, and shall meet at such times as they may consider necessary and convenient for the transaction of business. For the purpose of determining if a proposed Resolution under rule 10 is adverse to the interests of the members of The Club generally, or any Section thereof, their powers shall include that of approving or otherwise any such proposed resolution. All matters not unanimously agreed upon shall be decided by the votes of the majority. 

8.2 Borrowing Powers The Management Committee shall be empowered to borrow money for the purposes of The Club, either at one time or from time to time, of such amount and at such rate of interest and in such a form and manner and upon such security as shall be specified in the resolution authorising such borrowing. Such resolution shall be passed at a meeting of the Management Committee at which not less than seven of the nine voting members of the Management Committee were present and voted. The Management Committee, or the Senior Officers of The Club at the direction of the Management Committee, according to the necessities of the case, shall make all such dispositions of The Club’s assets and effects or any part thereof, and enter into such agreements in relation thereto as may be deemed proper for giving security for such loans and interest 

8.3 Bye-Laws 

The Management Committee shall be empowered to make and rescind Bye-laws (not inconsistent with the Rules of The Club) such Bye-laws to be printed and placed on the notice board in the Pavilion. 


The Accounts of The Club shall be audited by a professionally qualified accountant and appointed at the Annual General Meeting of The Club. The Management Committee shall have the right, by a unanimous vote to change the Auditors during the year if the need arises. 


10.1  Annual General Meeting  

The Annual General Meeting of the Members of The Club shall be held at the Club no later than the 7 February. Particulars of resolutions to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting, shall be submitted for approval by the Management Committee in writing to the Honorary Secretary no later than the last day of October in each year. Such resolutions shall bear the signature of the proposer and seconder. The Management Committee shall meet to consider any proposed resolution. If the Management Committee rejects a proposed resolution the proposer will be informed in writing, before the AGM, explaining the reasons.  

10.2  Quorum for Annual General Meeting 

The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be twenty Members entitled to vote. 

10.3 Special General Meetings 

The Management Committee may at any time call a Special General Meeting, and they shall be bound to do so within one calendar month of the receipt of a requisition, in writing, signed by twenty-five Members entitled to vote. Such requisition must specify the object of such a Meeting, and any Resolution to be submitted thereto, together with the names of the proposer and seconder of such resolution. 

10.4 Quorum for Special General MeetingsThe quorum for Special General Meetings shall be forty Members entitled to vote. 

In the event of the required quorum not being present at a Special General Meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to such date, not being less than twenty-one and no more than twenty-eight days later, and at such time and place as the meeting shall decide. At the adjourned meeting the quorum shall be twenty-one, and only such business shall be transacted as was specified in the notice convening the original meeting. At least fourteen days’ notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given, but it shall not be necessary to specify the object of the meeting. 

10.5 Notice of General Meetings 

Twenty-one days notice of all General Meetings shall be given by circular addressed to each member of The Club. Such circular shall specify the object of the Meeting and shall contain a copy of any resolution to be moved thereat and, in the case of the Annual General Meeting, shall be accompanied by a print of the balance sheet, accounts and report. 

10.6 Chairman and Voting at General Meeting 

At all General Meetings the President, or in his (or her) absence the Chairman of the Management Committee, shall take the chair. Every person present and registered and entitled to vote shall have one vote upon each motion. Ballot papers will only be valid if votes are cast for the number of vacancies that exist. 

10.7  Members whose fees are in arrears shall not be entitled to vote.  


The Management Committee shall submit to the Annual General Meeting the balance sheet and accounts of The Club for the preceding year terminating on the 30 September, certified by the signature of the Auditor appointed under Rule 9 with the report of the Management Committee. 


The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All surpluses will be used to maintain or improve The Club’s facilities and in furtherance of The Club’s objectives. No surpluses will be distributed outside The Club other than to another community amateur sports club, for tennis, squash or bowls, or to a registered charity.Nothing in the above paragraph shall prevent the Club from entering into an agreement with a member for the supply by him/her to The Club of goods or services or for his/her employment by The Club, provided that such arrangements are approved by the Management Committee (without the member being present) and are agreed with the member on an arm’s length basis. 


13.1 If the conduct of any Member(s) in or out of The Club premises shall, in the opinion of:  

  • the Manager,  
  • the Chairman, President or appropriate section Captain. 

be injurious to the character or interests of The Club, or if any Member shall willfully infringe any of the Rules or bye-laws of The Club, such Manager, Chairman, President or appropriate Captain may forthwith bar the said Member(s) from The Club premises for a period not exceeding 7 days. The matter shall be reported to the Management Committee within 24 hours. 

13.2  A special meeting of the Management Committee shall be convened at which the Member(s) complained of shall be given an opportunity to explain their conduct.If the complaint is upheld by a two-thirds majority of all the Committee Members present and voting, the Management Committee may bar them from The Club premises and/or suspend their Membership for such period and upon such terms as may be thought fit or may call upon them to resign forthwith. 


The Members of The Club shall be composed of three sections – Tennis, Bowls and Squash/Racketball Sections. Each Section shall hold an Annual General Meeting to elect their officers and Committee to make rules for, and manage the domestic affairs of their Section, and to make recommendations to the Management Committee. The rules of each Section must be approved by the Management Committee and must not conflict with these Rules.The engagement or termination of the services of appointed staff and professionals must be approved and ratified by the Management Committee, if necessary after taking specialist advice. 


15.1 Joining Fees and Subscriptions  

Joining fees and subscriptions shall be as laid down from time to time by the Management Committee and confirmed by the members at an Annual General Meeting of The Club. 

The Management Committee shall have authority to amend joining fees and subscriptions for special promotions to encourage additional members. 

15.2 Payments by New Members New Members shall pay their Joining Fees (if any) and Subscriptions, and until they have done so shall not be entitled to the privileges of Membership. If the payment is not made within one calendar month, the Member’s name shall be erased from the list of Members unless the Management Committee otherwise directs. 

15.3 Subscriptions in Arrears 

Any Member who’s current Subscription shall remain unpaid one month after the due date shall receive notice thereof from the Honorary Treasurer. If such Subscription shall remain unpaid for two months after its due date he shall lose all privileges of Membership from that date and shall forthwith cease to be a Member of The Club unless he (or she) can justify the delay to the satisfaction of the Management Committee. Any member in arrears will forfeit their privileges as defined in Rule 6.3 

15.4 Members Addresses 

Every Member shall provide his (or her) contact details including address to The Club Office. Notices or letters sent by email or post to such address or placed, in default of such address having been given, on the notice board in the Pavilion shall be deemed to have been duly delivered 

15.5 Resignation of Members 

Any Adult or Junior Member wishing to resign or to become a Non-playing Member shall inform the Honorary Secretary by letter before the commencement of the season, otherwise he (or she) shall be liable for the current season’s subscription and all arrears. 


No games other than Tennis, Bowls and Squash/Racketball shall be played on The Club ground without the sanction of the Management Committee. 


Members may introduce Visitors subject to the Bye-laws of the Management Committee. No Member may introduce as a Visitor anyone whose name has been erased from the list of Members under any of the above Rules. 


18.1  If, at any General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of The Club shall be passed by a majority of the members present, a Special General Meeting shall be convened to be held at least one month but not more than two months thereafter. 

18.2  At the Special General Meeting the resolution for the dissolution of The Club shall be confirmed provided that: 

  • not less than one half of the Adult and Life Members of The Club shall be present, and that 
  • the resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the Members voting thereon. 

The Management Committee shall thereupon (or at such future date as shall be specified in such resolution) proceed to realise the property of The Club and, after the discharge of all liabilities, shall pay the same as directed in the resolution: 

  • to any of the relevant National associations for use in community related initiatives, or  
  • to another Community Amateur Sports Club for tennis, squash or bowls, or  
  • to a registered charity. 

18.3  No property or income of the Club shall be paid to any Member of The Club. Upon completion of such payment The Club shall be dissolved. 


The Rules of The Club may be altered or varied only at a General Meeting, and the proposed alterations and substitutions approved by the Management Committee, in accordance with Rule 10.1, shall be fully specified in the notice calling the Meeting and shall only be binding on The Club in the event of their being adopted by two-thirds of the Members then present, eligible to vote and voting.